Virtually-Invisible Clear Aligners
Invisalign is the high-tech, clear alternative to conventional braces. With Invisalign you get the straight, healthy, confident smile you want without the need for metal brackets or wires. By utilizing the most-modern 3D computer innovations, Invisalign can fabricate a sequence of custom aligners. As you replace each Invisalign tray with the next, you will see your teeth move gradually week after week, until they reach their optimal position. At that point, your new smile will be complete.
Benefits of Invisalign
- Removable Invisalign trays allow you to drink and eat anything you feel like and continue to keep up optimal oral hygiene through flossing and brushing normally.
- Clear, state-of-the-art aligners cause Invisalign therapy to be practically invisible.
- Comfortable Invisalign aligners are changed regularly. You may not even remember you’re improving your smile and will not spend as much time in the orthodontist’s office having appointments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Invisalign right for you?
Invisalign is an effective alternative to traditional braces in many cases. Invisalign may help both mature teenagers and adults and can treat a variety of cases, including:
- Gaps
- Crooked teeth
- Crowding
- Deepbite, overbite and protruded teeth
- Closing spaces
- Shifting of teeth due to poor retainer wear
There are, however, some cases that simply require more traditional braces technology, especially those cases involving severe overcrowding.
This is one of the reasons that it is important to see an Invisalign certified orthodontist rather than a general dentist. Most general dentists have very limited orthodontic training and can only offer Invisalign as an orthodontic solution. An orthodontist is able to evaluate both the clear aligner option as well as other orthodontic treatment plans so that you can choose the option that works best for you.
To find out if Invisalign is right for you, schedule your consultation today.